HomeLiteratureIntroducing CANREADS, a Premier book review, blurb, and award service

Introducing CANREADS, a Premier book review, blurb, and award service

Toronto, ON —  CANREADS, a premier book review, blurb, and award service, is proud to announce its launch, this FALL/2024, across major Canadian cities, including CANREADS Toronto, CANREADS Ottawa, CANREADS Montreal, CANREADS Calgary, CANREADS Halifax, and CANREADS Vancouver. Authors, publishers, agents, and publicists can order blurbs and reviews from multiple cities across Canada, written by those who matter the most: avid book readers, book buyers, employees at major Canadian bookstores, indie bookstores, and librarians. Founded by 10x Bestselling Author and Publisher Rebecca Eckler and Acquisitions Editor Chloe Faith Robinson, CANREADS is set to revolutionize and amplify the Canadian review landscape.
“I’d rather hear a book recommendation from an avid reader who works at a Loblaws than just another author whose books I haven’t even read.” —reader
Blurbs by authors often fail to sway book buyers. A blurb from the wrong author can even ruin an author’s reputation, an agent’s reputation, and a publishing house’s reputation. In a poll we conducted on 500 readers nationwide, 82% percent of readers said they would trust a book recommendation from their hairdresser over one from an author.
CANREADS reviewers are efficient and will NOT write reviews or blurbs that include:

*Vague Statements:  Our goal is to capture interest in your books, with in-depth blurbs and reviews. A full review will include at least three blurb-worthy sentences, you can choose and use.

*Relying on opinions of other authors: Studies show readers form their opinions based on the book’s description, and reviews, rather than an author’s blurb. At CANREADS, avid readers are selectively chosen to match your book’s target demographic.

*Repetitiveness: Many blurbs sound similar across all genres, making them less effective at distinguishing one book from another. At CANREADS, reviewers write unique, in-depth reviews and blurbs.

*Misaligned Expectations: CANREADS reviewers have all sorts of tastes across all genres, and demographics, and in every major city, as opposed to getting a blurb from even a household named-author, which doesn’t lead to disappointment, more negative reviews, and less than stellar sale.

*Repetitional Risks: If an endorsing authors falls out of favour, their association with your book could have negative repercussions. At CANREADS, books are read by book buyers and avid readers —leading to other book buyers who will be intrigued by a  CANREAD review.

*Blurber’s Influence: Heavy reliance on blurbs from famous authors overshadow your own voice and originality, which is why a review by CANREADS, as opposed to a handful of names, is much more effective and much less-time consuming.
At CANREADS, “We’re brave, so you don’t have to be awkward.”  Asking for a blurb requires putting one’s work and oneself in a vulnerable position, which can be daunting for many authors. Let us “be brave” and find the right reviewer from your ideal target audience, saving you from potential rejection and embarrassment of asking authors to blurb or review your book, no matter what process your book is in. It’s never too early to start collecting reviews and blurbs. It’s never too late either. Many authors now refuse to blurb or are not allowed to blurb or review books outside their own publishing houses. This limits the chances for authors.

By using CANREADS book review and blurbs services, you will never feel:

Rejection: Authors worry about the possibility of being turned down when asking for a review or blurb from an author, which feels like a personal rejection.

Imposing on Busy Schedules: Authors are hesitant to ask an author to take time out of their busy lives to read and write a review or blurb.

Professional Reputation: Authors fear asking for a blurb could come across as presumptuous or self-serving, potentially damaging professional relationships.

Insecurity: Authors have self-doubts about their own work and worry that an author might not find it worthy of endorsement.

Reciprocal Pressure: Authors may worry that if they ask for a blurb, they will be obligated to return the favour in the future, creating a sense of reciprocal pressure.

Blurbs and reviews play a crucial role in a book’s success, particularly within the industry. Nowadays, securing a full feature review is increasingly difficult, with a limited number of slots available for the hundreds of thousands of books published each year. In this scarcity of critical coverage, reviews and blurbs become essential. Blurbs and reviews are also vital for booksellers who need to gauge a book’s marketability and for event organizers who consider the relationships and communities an author is connected to through their blurbs and/or reviews. CANREADS  professional blurbs and reviews are easy to obtain, with a few short clicks.

CANREADS believes that by using “city-specific bylines” following blurbs and reviews, instead of specific names — such as CANREADS Toronto Book Reviews or CANREADS Calgary Book Reviews — is the future in book publishing to add “credential,” to a book, help it stand out, no matter how many or how few connections the authors has. We believe authors, publishers, and publicists south of the border, will benefit by having Canadian City-Specific Book Reviews to showcase how their titles are well-received “In The North.”

By Ordering Reviews and Blurbs from CANREADS, you’ll see that our biggest strength is our ability to find a reviewer from your ideal target marketThis ensures the feedback is relevant and resonates with potential readers, enhancing credibility and marketing effectiveness. In contrast, reviews from those outside your target market often miss the mark, failing to highlight aspects that matter most to your intended audience. By aligning reviews with your target market, you create a more authentic and engaging promotion for your book.

At CANREADS, you simply make your purchase on our website—prior to publication, before your book goes off to the printer, as you’re promoting a book, after your book has been out for months, or even years, to keep the momentum  going as long as possible . Upon purchase, you send a digital galley or electronic manuscript to info@canreads.ca or upload it to our submissions form on the website, with your order number specified. Standard blurbs and reviews will take 2-4 weeks to be delivered, but we also offer expedited delivery times for publishers, editors, agents, and authors to “up the number” of blurbs, and if needed, last minute blurbs or reviews. Often, requests for blurbs are made author-to-author or otherwise put into motion through their editors or agents ahead of publication, basically as soon as the manuscript is ready to send out— CANREADS can get you that blurb or review sooner than later.

At CANREADS, authors, publicists, and agents, are able to request a specific city, and they can choose their target demographic’s age range of reviewer, request a male or female reviewer, and request a reviewer or blurb from an avid reader well-versed in a specific genre. We will not, for example, get a middle-age white male to review a beach read meant for young females, and we will not have your book reviewed or blurbed from someone who does not understand or love the genre you submit your book in for reviewthus upping an author’s chances of getting a great AND honest review.
CANREADS reviewers are vetted so you can ensure you are getting a quality, professional review—avid book lovers, former or current indigo employees, and even publishing instructors. Each reviewer rates the title using a five-star award system. Five-star reviews are automatically entered for free into our annual CANREADS Awards!

“As someone who has been doing book publicity for almost 30 years, I can attest to how grateful we publicists are when we have blurbs to work with when pitching the media.” — publicist

“I think you can probably trace most blurbs back to a connection—the author and blurb writer are friends, or they have the same editor or the same agent – so I tend to take them with a grain of salt.” —bookseller

With a mission to support all authors — from small independent publishers to large publishing houses, CANREADS offer:

  • Sponsored Blurbs: Concise, impactful summaries ideal for front and back covers or other promotional purposes. (starting at $150)
  • Sponsored Reviews: Comprehensive analyses that delve into the strengths of the book, offering valuable insights and the option for a sensitivity read. (starting at $350)
  • Sensitivity Readers/Reviews: In addition to expert reviews and blurbs, CANREADS provides sensitivity readers/reviewers, ensuring that authors accurately and sensitively represent diverse perspectives in their work. This reflects CANREADS’ dedication to promoting authentic and respectful storytelling.
  • Annual CANREADS Awards: Award for outstanding titles submitted for review, spanning 36 diverse genre categories ($100 entry, or free with a 5-star review). Award winners receive eye-catching stickers (which drive sales), as well as a medal.

Our unique pricing model allows authors and publishers to secure reviews from avid readers from bigger cities by way of paying a premium. This innovative approach ensures that each review is crafted with expertise and prominence, adding significant value to the author’s work.  We highly recommend authors and publishers add this into their marketing and promotional budgets. Are you ready to get a review or blurb? Click the link https://canreads.ca/

At CANREADS, we are committed to providing a platform for Canadian authors and books to shine. Our award and review services help promote Canadian books and ensure they find a prominent place on bookshelves around the globe. Canada is full of talent that is unique and wonderful, and it’s about time the world sees it. We specialize in providing high-quality, professional book reviews tailored to enhance the visibility and success of exceptional literary works.


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