Toronto, On – Producers Ali Golbaharan and Max Ashen are in post-production for their feature film, “Papa Sierra The Anthology” directed by Aradh Sajadi. The movie is centered around the tragic crash of Ukrainian flight PS752 on January 8, 2020. “Papa Sierra” focuseson the painful chapter in the relationship between Canada and Iran. The film takes us through the journey of three women whose lives are forever changed by the international incident. “Papa Sierra” features actors, Rebecca Lamarche, Krystina Bojanowski, Shervin Esfandyari, Ali Golbaharan, Oksana Andrulis and child actress Antonina Battrick. The crash of flight PS752 was intentionally carried out by missiles from the terrorist organization IRGC. 176+ people including a pregnant woman lost their lives, most were Canadian citizens of Iranian descent. Headlines come and go, but for the families personally affected it becomes a part of their family legacy. “Papa Sierra” tells their story.
“Papa Sierra” is inspired by three women. A Canadian, a Ukrainian and an Iranian, all who’s families are affected by this tragedy. Each of the women experiences their own compelling narrative. Each uniquely different but now share a pain that is one. The women deal with profound pain and psychological impacts. The film passionately explores loss, separation, love and sacrifice. “Papa Sierra” explores the heartbreak and disbelief through the women as reality sets in. With loss comes pain and the journey to hold on to what was our life. Grief can be all consuming, this we know. “Papa Sierra” shares how three very different women deal with their grief in this ripped from the headlines incident while trying to repair their lives …. and their hearts.
“Papa Sierra” was created collaboratively by Iranian émigrés in cinema and Canadian filmmakers, who worked together with a unique passion and motivation.