HomeEVENTSAlmas Jiwani Will Give Keynote Speech at the International Women’s Day (IWD)...

Almas Jiwani Will Give Keynote Speech at the International Women’s Day (IWD) Celebrations, Toronto

DD Women Achievers 2017 Awards Gala on 18th March,2017

Toronto: Almas Jiwani, President of UN Women Canada National Committee and CEO of Frontier Canada Inc., will give key note speech at the Toronto International Women’s day celebrations which will be held on Saturday March 18th , at the Toronto City Hall (100 Queen Street West, Toronto, ON M5H 2N2).
Kathleen Wynne- Premier of Ontario, John Tory – Mayor, Toronto; Maryam Monsef – Federal Minister of Status of Women, Indira Naidoo-Harris – Minister of Women’s Issues; are among the invitees of this event.
Dancing Damsels, an incorporated non-profit multicultural arts promotions company for women empowerment, is set to celebrate IWD 2017 as a DD Women Achievers Award Gala with vivid programs to make it a resplendent event.

As a part of the IWD celebrations, they have invited nominations for Women Achiever Awards 2017, which is the highest honor conferred by Dancing Damsels to women whose outstanding achievement has made a difference in the community.
Successful women from the fields of Politics, Music, Community Leadership, Volunteering, Performing Arts, Science & Technology, Hospitality, Sports, Literature, Business, Media & Communication, and Healthcare come under the purview of the award.
Any Canadian Citizen or Permanent Resident, who has worked for a minimum of 5 years and inspired others by their outstanding success in their chosen field of work, can be nominated for this award. Self nominations are also accepted.
Nomination forms are available on their websites: www.ddshows.com or www.iwdawards.com . All nominations must be completed online and submitted on or before February 15th, 2017.
Most often people think that such celebrations are nothing but a proclamation by a group of feminists for women’s independence. However Dancing Damsels Inc. is seeing these celebrations as means of empowerment and inspiration for women to pursue their dreams. They hope to encourage women to stay confident without spoiling their individuality, to express the human emotions and enjoy the beauty of life.
This year, the theme of the celebrations is “Be Bold for Change”. There will be entertainment programs; delicious food; international stalls and exhibitions as part of this celebration. This is a FREE event by RSVP only.

JOIN THE EVENT on Facebook.

“ 10 successful women from different fields of the society are awarded during this magnificent event and thereby to let more women to come forward and be in the field according to their wish and share the rights with men, are also some of the aspects that Dancing Damsels believe” Mary Ashok, Managing Director.

Background information:
www.ddshows.com or www.iwdawards.com
Mary Ashok (Managing Director) Phone: 416.788.6412; Email: md@ddshows.com.

Almas Jiwani, President of UN Women Canada National Committee and CEO of Frontier Canada Inc., is a fiercely vocal champion for gender equality. She is internationally renowned for her efforts to encourage women’s social, economic, and political empowerment. She spearheads initiatives where corporate growth intersects with humanitarian development.
A model of perseverance and determination, Ms. Jiwani’s efforts to strengthen women’s economic capacity as entrepreneurs and producers have earned her accolades. She plays a crucial role in building networks among charitable institutions and socially responsible businesses.
Ms. Jiwani is a powerful and influential speaker and she continues to travel across the globe to deliver keynote addresses, speeches, and presentations on improving the status of women. She addressed over 400 parliamentarians from 42 countries on the benefits of economically empowering women and the roles and responsibilities of parliamentarians at the International Assembly in the Dominican Republic and Quebec City.
Almas Jiwani is the CEO of Frontier Canada, a communications and marketing company based in Toronto, Ontario. She has gained international recognition and commendations from governments and the media. She has been honored with numerous awards globally for her work on gender equity and women’s empowerment.


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